mentalhealthbhopal's blog

Claustrophobia is one of the most common phobias and I feel it is the biggest fear of most of the people. Claustrophobia is a kind of anxiety disorder that is caused due to the feeling of being trapped.

It is the feeling of the fear of being trapped inside a narrow space and people who suffer from claustrophobia feel that they are unable to breathe properly or the air is too thin, says the best psychiatrist from Bhopal.

There are people who feel that the room is too small and they are suffocating. They get panic attack when they feel that they are trapped in a small place and they don’t know how to get out of that place.

There are certain triggers that cause claustrophobia in a person. One of them is the feeling of being stuck in a small place and not being able to get out of that place. Another trigger is the feeling of being trapped in a small space.

How to prevent claustrophobia?

The most important step to prevent claustrophobia is to keep the area where you are trapped is open and to have fresh air. If you can’t get the proper air then the only solution is to get out of that space.

Don’t stay in that space for a long time as that will only worsen the situation. If you are suffering from claustrophobia, then you need to get the proper treatment for it.

If you are a claustrophobic then try to do the following things to avoid getting trapped in a closed space:

1. Go out of that space for some time

Go out of that space for a few hours and then come back into the space. You can even take a walk around the house to get some fresh air.

2. Open the door

Open the door for a short while and get fresh air. If the weather is cold, then don’t forget to close the door once you get fresh air.

3. Try to stay active

When you are in that place, try to stay active. Don’t sit idle as that will only increase the level of claustrophobia. Try to do something that will keep you busy.

4. Keep a diary

If you are claustrophobic then you will definitely need to write down your feelings and emotions. Writing will help you to get the proper treatment for your claustrophobia.


I hope you liked the article and I hope you will try the tips mentioned above to get rid of claustrophobia. If you don’t know what to do to get relief from claustrophobia, then you can also visit my website. You will get all the information that will help you to overcome your phobia.

It is a fact that we are surrounded by different kinds of people and we can’t get away from them. They are the people who live around us and we need to interact with them. We need to spend time with them and learn different things from them.

But we don’t need to tolerate any kind of abuse by anyone, says a female psychiatrist in Bhopal. Everyone has his own emotions and everyone has right to express it. If you are the one who is experiencing emotional abuse then you are not alone. According to a study, about 1 out of every 7 women in the United States is affected by emotional abuse.

The reasons why someone emotionally abuses others are as follows:

1. They have low self-esteem

If you are not confident enough then it is very easy for you to experience emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is a type of abuse where the abuser targets the victim and makes him or her feel inferior.

2. They are angry and frustrated

If you are angry and frustrated then you are at a risk of abusing others. Anger and frustration are the major reasons behind emotional abuse.

3. They have low self-control

If you are not able to control your emotions then you are likely to experience emotional abuse.

4. They have a mental illness

Mental illnesses are some of the biggest causes of emotional abuse.

5. They are depressed

If you are feeling down and you are having a bad mood, then you are likely to commit emotional abuse.

6. They have poor interpersonal skills

If you are not good in communicating then it is highly possible that you will experience emotional abuse.

7. They have a personality disorder

People with personality disorders tend to become victims of emotional abuse.

8. They have poor self-awareness

If you are not able to understand your feelings and behavior then you are more likely to experience emotional abuse.

9. They are suffering from substance abuse

Substance abuse is a major cause of emotional abuse.

10. They have poor impulse control

Impulse control is the ability to control one’s actions. If you have a problem with controlling your actions then it is possible that you will experience emotional abuse.


All the above mentioned points are very common and you will find them everywhere. If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned points then you are most likely to be abused. If you are going through emotional abuse then you need to get help from a female psychiatrist in Bhopal immediately. There are various ways that can help you get rid of emotional abuse.

OCD is an illness which can be easily triggered by stress and if you don’t have proper knowledge about it then it may disturb your daily routine or you can even lead to your death. Everyone has a mental disorder and not everyone knows that they are mentally disturbed, but we don’t need to keep it to ourselves. So, the most important thing is to be open to yourself and to talk to someone who can help you and this is exactly what you are going to learn in this article.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: OCDis a mental disorder which is mainly triggered by stress and anxiety. But, as I mentioned before, it doesn’t mean that all people with OCD are stressed or anxious. There are many who have OCD without any reason, so, it is necessary to know what OCD is and how you can control it.

Diagnosis: There are many ways through which you can diagnose OCD like checking, washing, doubting, repeating, and other symptoms which are associated with OCD. If you have any of these symptoms then you can easily diagnose yourself as OCD patient. It is very important for you to understand these symptoms, as they will help you to be free from this disorder.

Treatments: There are two types of OCD treatment in Bhopaloptions available for patients. They are pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: CBT helps you to gain awareness about OCD, its triggers, causes, and symptoms. CBT also helps you to control the urges and thoughts that make you depressed and OCD.

Meditation: Meditation can help you to control the OCD and stress. But, meditation doesn’t mean that you need to meditate all day, only do it if you feel the urge or when you get the time.


So, I hope you got the perfect solution for your OCD problem. The most important thing is that you need to get open with your mental disorder and share it with your therapist or psychiatrist in Bhopal. So, don’t hesitate and take necessary action. If you need any kind of support then contact us now.

It’s no secret that most people are depressed once winter rolls around, but if you suffer from seasonal depression, you may find yourself feeling down or even hopeless during the spring, summer and fall as well. Seasonal depression affects millions of people every year and can be tough to deal with, but there are plenty of steps you can take to help alleviate the symptoms and get your life back on track. Here are five steps you can take to combat seasonal depression in your area.

1) Check with your doctor

There’s no way around it—those who suffer from seasonal depression have to check with the best psychiatrist in Bhopalabout how best to combat their symptoms. Whether it’s a change of diet, more light exposure, or something else entirely, it’s important that you follow your doctor’s advice so that you can live your best life. That said, there are some things you can do at home as well.

2) Find why you are sad

It’s often difficult to understand why you’re feeling depressed during certain times of year. It’s important to acknowledge that you might be struggling with seasonal depression, as seasonal depression can cause intense feelings of sadness and helplessness that are sometimes debilitating. Talk with your psychiatrist doctor in Bhopalor a mental health professional about what’s going on and how you can feel better. Most important, don’t let your depression go untreated—it could lead to further problems if left unchecked.

3) De-clutter your life

When you’re struggling with depression, it can feel like life is making things difficult on purpose. And when you’re feeling that way, it can be tempting to shut down and hide from your troubles, which makes them more difficult to solve. To start fighting depression, do just the opposite: Get involved with your life again! A big part of overcoming depression is getting out of bed and back into a routine—whether it’s checking off tasks on your list or spending time with loved ones.

4) Start a hobby

Starting a new hobby or activity is one of the best ways to combat seasonal depression. When you’re feeling low, pick something that sounds fun—from exploring a city you haven’t visited before (if you’re in Bhopal) to taking up a new instrument. Even if it takes some time before you get into it, simply forcing yourself out of your comfort zone will have an overall positive effect on your life. What’s the most important thing? It’s not hard!

Did you know that one in twenty children in the United States has been diagnosed with some sort of anxiety disorder? This means that it’s highly likely that you or someone you know has either dealt with anxiety issues themselves or has had to deal with them within their family, even at a young age. Panic attacks are one type of anxiety disorder that affects many people of all ages, including children. In this article, we’ll be going over everything you need to know about panic attacks in children and what can be done to help your child overcome his or her fears.

What are panic attacks?

A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no apparent danger or source of anxiety. A panic attack usually lasts from 10 minutes to an hour and can cause severe shaking, sweating, palpitations, and rapid breathing. In some cases, it can lead to faintness or even a seizure. It occurs when there’s an extreme reaction of your autonomic nervous system (ANS). Your ANS helps regulate unconscious actions such as your heartbeat, breathing, and digestion.

Is there an age when children stop having them?

No. It’s a myth that children grow out of panic disorders like panic attacks. Panic disorder is a very treatable condition, but it has to be caught early on and treated properly, or else it will linger into adulthood. There are several warning signs parents can look for so they can begin treatment as soon as possible.

What makes them worse?

It’s not entirely clear what causes panic attacks in children. As with adults, several factors may play a role: environmental stressors, heredity, and learned behaviors. Additionally, people who have had stressful life events or trauma are more likely to experience panic attacks. One study found that people who suffer from panic disorder can attribute their earliest symptoms of a panic attack (rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath) to traumatic events that occurred during childhood.

How can I help my child?

The first thing you should do is schedule an appointment with your child’s psychiatrist in Bhopal. In some cases, talk therapy may be enough; other times, medication will be required. There are several types of medicines available, each with different potential side effects and risks. Your doctor will prescribe whichever one he or she believes will be most effective for your child’s symptoms—and keep an eye on their progress so that adjustments can be made if needed.

When should I worry?

If you or your child experiences regular, unexpected, and strong panic attacks—and especially if these panic attacks occur at night—it’s important to speak with a psychiatrist in Bhopal. He or she will be able to assess whether you or your child is suffering from an anxiety disorder, provide treatments and refer you for further help if necessary.

Final Thoughts:

A panic attack in children can be scary, especially if it’s the first time it’s happened or the child isn’t sure why they’re feeling so stressed out and overwhelmed with anxiety. Luckily, there are ways to treat panic attacks in children before they get out of hand, so it’s important to learn how to spot the symptoms and then get your child help before they develop into more serious conditions like depression or PTSD.

Motherhood can be daunting for some moms. Between sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and constant worry, it can be difficult to keep their anxiety at bay. Whether they're overwhelmed by the responsibilities of motherhood or are suffering from postpartum depression, there are some things that any mom can do to help alleviate their anxiety of motherhood. Here are a few things to help such moms as suggested by a psychiatrist in Bhopal:

Keep a Journal

Mothers are often discouraged from keeping a journal because they believe that writing it down will make them feel stressed. However, writing about their thoughts and feelings can actually help them release their anxiety. Some moms choose to keep their journal in a secret place, so they can read it in private.

Get Support From Other Moms

When a mom is going through a rough time, she might need support from other moms in her community. Whether they're going through a rough patch in their marriage or going through a hard time with their baby, talking to other moms can give them a sense of belonging and help them keep anxiety at bay.

Have a 'Slip' In Order to Get 'Solved'

Once a mom has made the decision to change her lifestyle, she might have a 'slip' in order to get 'solved'. This means that if she's having a hard time making the right decision for herself, then she might have a moment of weakness where she goes back to her old habits.

Practice Positive Thinking

There are numerous tips that can help moms take control of their anxiety during the early stages of pregnancy. One thing that's important is to practice positive thinking. Being happy and thinking positively will make it easier for a mom to be strong during those rough periods. Being negative can lead to more anxiety and stress, and that's something that's not good for a mom.

Involve Others In the Care of Baby

A midwife or doctor that specializes in perinatal care can be very helpful. They will not only know what to do for your baby, but they'll also be able to give you advice on ways to deal with the pressures of pregnancy.

Final Words

While a lot of people have a good time with motherhood, there are many that find it to be a daunting task. A lot of people find themselves looking for support and encouragement from other mothers and psychiatrist in Bhopal. It is easy to get overwhelmed with all the problems that can arise, but by using tips mentioned in the post, most problems can be solved. This is what is so great about motherhood.

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