Mmoexp Path of exile currency: Avoid the Laser Beams from lijing's blog

3. Avoid the Laser Beams

Key Mechanic: Zicoatl has laser attacks that sweep across the battlefield in a line.

What to Do:

Look for the blue lines that appear on the ground, indicating where the lasers will sweep.

Move quickly out of the laser path to Path of exile currency avoid taking significant damage.

4. Stay Close for Consistent DPS

Key Mechanic: Zicoatl is mostly stationary and can be dealt with more easily when you’re close to it.

What to Do:

Position yourself near Zicoatl to keep up a constant damage output, but also be ready to dodge its attacks.

Don’t let Zicoatl get too far from you; you want to maintain pressure to POE currency for sale prevent its shield from regenerating.

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