Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Use Verticality (If Available) from lijing's blog

2. Use Verticality (If Available)

Some of Mohg’s attacks, especially in Phase 2, have an area-of-effect that covers a horizontal distance. However, vertical positioning can be a helpful way to avoid these attacks. You can take advantage of the elevation in certain areas of the arena by positioning yourself on higher ground or Elden Ring Items climbing structures.

Gain the High Ground: If the arena allows you to climb or get to elevated platforms, doing so can offer better sight lines and make it easier to avoid some of Mohg's attacks, like his Blood Boil or the Blood Tentacles. These attacks typically affect the ground level first and may not reach you if you're positioned higher up.

Anticipate Blood Tentacles: When Mohg summons Blood Tentacles from the ground, staying elevated can give you a better chance of avoiding them, as they tend to slam into the floor.

However, keep in mind that while you may be able to best place to buy elden ring items dodge or avoid certain attacks using verticality, Mohg can still close the gap and attack upwards, so don’t rely solely on elevation for safety.

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