Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Summoning Changes at Night from lijing's blog

4. Summoning Changes at Night

The summoning system in Elden Ring allows players to Elden Ring Items call on other players or Spirit Ashes for help during difficult boss fights and challenging areas. Interestingly, summoning and co-op play is restricted by time in some situations:

Co-op play restrictions: Some regions or boss encounters will only allow summoning during specific times of day. If you’re trying to get help for a boss fight or need additional backup in a particularly tough area, you might have to wait until night to summon allies.

Spirit Ashes and Nighttime: Some Spirit Ashes summonable during combat might become more effective or available during the night, depending on the lore and behavior of the ashes. Certain night-based summons can deal additional damage or best place to buy elden ring items have specialized effects when the night falls.

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