You don't feel obligated to play a buy WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold game from Ludwighench's blog

Dave Kosak: Basically. We had three classes at the Blizzcon demo. The full Dungeon Run includes every class. There are 48 different scenarios and each game the Cataclysm Classic Gold game is played, it hands with 8 random events. It's impossible to predict what's coming up next, and you're not sure what number of encounters it will pick. There are about 40 treasures. I believe there's more than a dozen treasures in Blizzcon's build. Blizzcon build, however there's 40 in total, and they truly can influence the way you play.

Another thing that's changed in the Dungeon Run is that you'll receive a reward after each other boss. After the third boss, the fifth, etc. In the case of Blizzcon we offered you a prize each time we did it because we wanted to display the treasures we found, however this made the Blizzcon demonstration a bit easier. The actual game is a challenge and very challenging. We wanted to create the rogue-like experience where difficulties are part of the fun, and you can experience these amazing surges when you play. Sometimes you get the perfect run when all of the right cards are landed and it's a great feeling.

Does Dungeon Run a permanent addition to the game? Dungeon Run only tied to this expansion, or is it an ongoing addition to the game?

It's the Kobolds & Catacombs Dungeon Run is designed for this particular expansion that's why it includes all cards, not including Kobolds & Catacombs expansion. When we expand in the future, we will not revisit the expansion and add new cards. The idea is that each expansion comes with the complete collection of cards as well for single-player content. Therefore, you could find something similar to Dungeon Run in future expansions too.

Was this motivated by a choice to introduce players to the new cards and the reason it's not similar to Arena in which you must pay a fee to enter and then you earn a reward in the close?

I'm the primary mission designer for the team. So when we decided in Year of the Mammoth to adopt this new system of expansions that are full and single-player content for free and we had to redesign what the single-player content might be. When we played our previous adventures you had to pay for them, and the cards were locked behind them. We needed to design them in specific to a certain manner. We needed to make them simple enough so that, if you purchased the adventure you could earn the card.

With the single-player game content is available for free it's possible to enjoy more playing with it. There's more room to play around in and we're able to create something that is more reproducible. It's possible to create something extremely difficult, similar to that of the Lich King. In the process of defeating the Lich King nine times? Super difficult. This Dungeon Run can be really tough, but we do have an incentive for those who beat it by using all nine classes: you receive a specific card. It's also very difficult as cards aren't screened behind it and it will do exactly what you're saying that it tells the story behind the expansion, and the feeling of the expansion, and you have the opportunity to test the new mechanics, and observe the way it works, and hopefully it will encourage players to get into the ranks based on what has been learned during this Dungeon Run.

Are there any rewards for cards for playing through or completing certain milestones?

If you are able to beat adventure by beating all classes in the game, at the end of it you'll receive a unique card. This is the reward.

It's difficult as we'd like to ensure that you don't feel obligated to play a buy WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold game you do not want to play. If you're a player who is free to play we don't want to feel pressured to go through the dungeon. If you're not enjoying the Dungeon Runs, we don't want to make you feel that you're required to go through them since there are rewards aren't what you actually require. It's just meant to be fun but the prize is purely cosmetic. don't require a gift card but it's difficult to find. It's very prestigious when you spot someone who is shuffling this and it's their card back.

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By Ludwighench
Added May 27 '24



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