Endgame difficulty will be downgraded and bots will be addressed in the latest update in Lost Ark from Jamesdarin's blog

In a detailed announcement, it was stated that issues regarding the Lost Ark release will be adjusted in next week's update. The difficulty of the endgame content will be lowered, and some tier 1 and tier 2 Guardian Raids and Abyss Dungeons will be lowered. Currently, Guardians have ridiculously high health, so defeating them is a very time-consuming job, especially as they are those repeatable daily quests, which can be a headache. They can be nerfed, and many players are happy.

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In addition to this, the problems of gold sellers and bots in Lost Ark have also been resolved. "We've been tweaking our Cheap Lost Ark Gold tools, improving chat filters, and taking action based on reports to quickly ban gold sellers and bots from the game," the post said. In fact, in-game spammers take less than 10 minutes on average. will be banned. Additionally, to be able to limit them even further, characters below level 30 cannot use area chat, but can still access group chat.

There are a lot of bots in Lost Ark's quest hubs. You can see rows and rows of identical berserkers and sorceresses with names like the result of someone falling asleep on the keyboard. There will always be their presence around the questgivers, then buzzing at lightning speed. The post states that to get better at getting rid of bots and spammers, players can use player reports to help the support team, they just need to hold down the ctrl key in chat and click the player's name to bring up a menu to report them.

In general, the upcoming Lost Ark update will bring players a better gaming experience, help players play the game more happily, and focus on experiencing more content in the game. To improve your own strength in the game, a lot of Lost Ark Gold is essential. As a supplier of Lost Ark Gold, MMOWTS.com can continuously supply Lost Ark Gold for every player. If you have any needs, you can go to their official website to check.

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By Jamesdarin
Added Mar 6 '22


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