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Tag search results for: "runescape 3 gold"

I'm aware that this isn't really the kind of answer you're looking for and should someone know of a complex procedure that runescape gold I'm unable to find, I encourage them to post it. I've had my own experiences with these levels, it ended up being much more effective to just bite the huge price tag instead of trying to squeeze every gp I could get out of the whole thing.

I'd like to suggest Eagle kite because CLS sucks that much. Aside from PvP it is of no purpose, it's outclassed by other things (usually Rapier) in every situation. Bandos is an argumentable choice - maul provides more damage and is faster, but CLS allows you to combat with shields.

If Jad is the only thing you'll use Eagle kites, it's really not worth it. There are plenty of benefits better than CLS. My opinion on the best way to obtain items: Arc Stream - cheap and the best mage ammy in game. Rapier - best melee weapon in game. I wouldn't consider using it just for Jad, definitely for other purposes. I already have one, by the way. This is why I was trying to decide on the cls. If it's really not much better than a Rapier in terms of bossing I can get it following the shield.

Hey guys - I know there's a lot of such threads, I used to respond to them myself a few years back, but I don't have a clue the current situation, what new developments have been made and what's good/bad/nooby, etc.

Take a look at the remaining content I've put in It's a complete nonsense.. So, good luck. So I just bought membership a few days ago, persuaded by a friend along with my experience with the Mad May thing, and once I was logged on to a members world I realized I didn't have a clue about what to do. Since then I've completed the normal farming run or slayer missions, as well as clue scrolls, but I'm exhausted of stuff to do in the remaining three and a half weeks of this membership period.

Do you have any ideas for what would be a good idea for me to train on? Any minigames I should try or anything else that's enjoyable or rewarding to try on RS players right now. There's tons of new armour and a few new weapons for members to choose from, I don't know what's appropriate for me and the best weapon to use for slayer and general combat stuff (80 Att, 75 Def, 83 Str with 81 % HP). If you could recommend an item I could purchase would be fantastic; I've got 50m cash but I'd rather not invest too much.

And finally I'm looking for the skills I need to get to 99 or at the very least the next level, however I'm not sure of what I could train without spending huge amounts of money and getting no infernal cape buy return, or what's acceptable spending or. My abilities should be on my signature in the event that they are not, I'll add them soon.

weiyismart Mar 4 '22 · Comments: 1 · Tags: runescape 3 gold