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Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee

There is no doubt that yoga is an excellent exercise for pregnant women. It will make you feel happy, relaxed and calm. However, there is a lot of confusion among the people about practicing yoga during pregnancy. There are different opinions and views that people have on it.

However, if you have started practicing yoga during pregnancy and you are still not getting any better results than I am sure that you will not be satisfied.

As the best lady gynecologist in Indore, I will share with you some effective techniques which will help you to improve your yoga skills and make you feel better.

9 Effective Pregnancy Yoga Techniques:

Practice breathing techniques

Breathing exercises is the first step for improving yoga skills. It will help you to relax your body and mind and help you to feel peaceful and relaxed. You need to follow a specific breathing technique in order to get better results.

Use a prenatal yoga video

You can also use a prenatal yoga video to learn the basics of yoga. The videos will help you to understand the basic principles of yoga and how to practice it.

Practice deep breathing

This is the most effective technique for relaxing your mind and body. You need to practice deep breathing and get into the present moment. It will help you to feel calmer and it will make you feel lighter.

Practice meditation

Meditation will help you to develop a sense of calmness. It will also help you to concentrate on your breathing and will keep you away from stress.

Do the forward bend

This is an effective exercise for a pregnant woman. It will help you to improve your flexibility. You will also be able to relax your back and legs. It will make your posture straight and will help you to feel more comfortable.

Practice the shoulder stand

This is the most effective yoga technique for pregnant women. It will help you to relax your body and will make you feel comfortable.

Do some poses slowly

Slowly is the best way to practice yoga. If you are doing fast then it will be very difficult for you to get the desired result.

Practice in the morning

Practicing yoga in the morning will help you to improve your skills and it will make you feel more comfortable. You will be able to wake up naturally and you will feel happier.


These are the 9 effective pregnancy yoga techniques that will help you to improve your skills and make you feel better. You can use these techniques to get a fit and healthy body during pregnancy.

Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee

In every woman’s life, reproductive health is important and if women don’t take care of their reproductive health then they may face the serious consequences.

Women today are busy in their lives and they have less time to spend for taking care of themselves. They are more focused on work and family responsibilities so they don’t have much time to get proper care for their reproductive health.

But even though we are not taking proper care of our reproductive health, we can still protect our reproductive health by following these 5 tips. Please note that these tips are often suggested by gynecologist doctors in Indore.

1. Get your annual gynecological exam

Women need to get their yearly gynecological exam as it will help them to detect any diseases or abnormalities in their reproductive system. It will also help them to detect any pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease which will help them to take precautions against such diseases. You may visit the best lady gynecologist in Indorefor your annual gynecological exam.

2. Use contraception

There are many types of contraceptives available in the market but if you use a long-term contraceptive method then you can protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

3. Practice safe sex

It is not enough to only use protection during sex; you should also practice safe sex. If you are using any lubricant, then make sure that you are using a condom. If you have any doubts regarding this, then consult a doctor.

4. Eat healthy and nutritious food

The best way to protect your reproductive health is by eating a balanced diet which is rich in protein and vitamins. Women who are trying to get pregnant should eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They will help you to get a proper energy for your body.

5. Take a prenatal supplement

If you are planning to get pregnant or are already pregnant then it is essential that you take prenatal supplements. These will help you to increase the nutrition in your body and will also help you to gain some weight.

About the Author:

Dr. Sushmita Mukherjee is the best gynecologist in Indore. She has been working in this field for over 30 years. She has expertise in dealing with gynecological problems and provides treatment for all kinds of problems like fibroid, polyps, cancer etc. Her patients are very happy with her services. The doctor also leads a test tube baby center in Indore. Her mission is to provide high quality reproductive healthcare services at affordable prices to the people of Indore.