Quick Links Changes In The February Dark And Darker Playtest How To Install The Dark And Darker Demo What Is Dark And Darker Gold? When Can You Play Dark And Darker Again? Will Dark And Darker Be On Consoles? When Is Dark And Darker Going To Be Released? Current Dark And Darker Guides
Dark And Darker is an upcoming PvPvE FPS extraction shooter, but with swords and spells. It has had several very successful playtests on Steam, with the most recent taking place in December 2022 with a peak player count of 60,000.
The game is an extraction shooter, but with a slimmed-down gameplay loop, multiple RPG-inspired classes (Wizard, Barbarian, Ranger, etc.), and co-op play for up to three people in a party. Practice with your favorite class and stick with it.
The February 2023 Playtest is now live. Find out more info below! Changes In The February Dark And Darker Playtest There are some pretty significant changes in the playtest for Dark And Darker. Here are some highlights.
VOIP is now in the game There is a new solo queue experience called Goblin Caves Minor adjustments to certain classes, including a buff for two-hand weapons New Gathering Hall where you can interact with players before the game starts
New Karma system to reward or punish your teammates or allies you make during the battle New spells, ore, crafting items, and much more How To Install The Dark And Darker Demo You can Dark And Darker Gold for sale install the Dark And Darker February playtest via the games Steam page.
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