If you don't see something buy or sell immediately, don't get worried. If it's not a purchase or sell, it's due to you buying below the old school runescape gold average price, and only people who don't care/are in desperate need of cash will sell it for medium prices. Generallyspeaking, the item will purchase by the end the day.
If it's unsuccessful or sell, it's either an item that's not popular, which means you've picked a bad item, and the amount you've decided to set isn't enough. I wouldn't recommend taking the price down until a week or two after you've put the offer up. Remember, merchandising doesn't happen over night; it take alot of patience.
I'd advise buying everything from the g.e. If you're working with raw materials such as raw logs, fish and herbs. Then I'd recommend selling them on the street at an agreed price per item. If you're selling any other item (basically non-skilling things) then I would say sell it through the g.e. It may take a while however it's the best option, as it's harder to find someone searching for ten dragon plates than two thousand nature runes.
If you're looking to start merchandising, I'd suggest at least 10-15m of merchandising. A general rule of thumb: don't be afraid of losing money in the beginning. It is commonplace for everyone. When I started my first runescape game, I lost around 6m the first day. It's not difficult to keep it up and you'll get to know the market and the economy of runescape better. I've stopped merching in favor of skilling, but it's an efficient and time-saving method to make good money.
Now, at Level 74 I'm at 200 quest points, which I've had since level 15. I'd like to know a recommendation for equipment and inventory (food as well as potions.) for questing in general. Things to keep close.
Anyone who has come to the front. The best thing to do is to keep a stock of various potions and items like ropes. An arsenal of combat gear of every kind is useful as well. For instance, having a dragon hide for bosses that include powerful mage attacks along with mage gear and runes to use it in your quests.
It's all really the individual's preference. I personally used to (around your stats) simply bring my set of rune as well as a berzerker's helm as well as my whip. I would just use those to do almost all of my quests while making sure to have the right items and some foodin case it comes into need. As a owner of a quest cape in the present I'm sure you've buy RS gold picked the right path when doing quests. The rewards are very generous, but they're also an excellent motivation to improve every aspect of your stats.
The Wall