World of Warcraft: Rare Mount Opportunity Returns for a Limited Time from freemexy's blog
World of Warcraft: Rare Mount Opportunity Returns for a Limited Time
Although many retail World of Warcraft players may feel a bit stuck in the limbo between the Battle for Azeroth endgame and the arrival of Shadowlands, that doesn't mean that there isn't plenty to do in Azeroth to keep the Horde and the Alliance busy (including unlocking some awesome transmog sets). The latest goal that many players are chasing includes unlocking a rare mount that is only available to track down twice a year.To get more news about buy wow items shadowlands, you can visit lootwowgold official website.
The long wait since February 2020 until now is finally over and World of Warcraft players who missed the opportunity in the past can once again try to complete the tasks necessary to unlock the Spirit of Eche'ro mount. This impressive looking mount is obtainable through a Legion Archeology chain quest, which means players who are interested need to pack up their dig kits and head off to the world of the previous WoW expansion.
Players who are interested in obtaining the reigns have a bit of a task in front of them, but now is the time to do it. The quest is available for the next two weeks and will disappear again on August 25. Interested archeologists and mount collectors should head to Dalaran immediately and pick up the quest The Right Path to get the adventure started. Players who miss this opportunity won't have another chance to pick up the quest until February 2021, so strike while the iron is hot.
Once the quest is obtained, the rest of the task is a fairly standard (though timely) archeology grind. Players will be directed to Highmountain where they need to survey digsites and collect 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro. Each survey in Highmountain should pay out 5x of the item, so clearly there's a bit of a time commitment to hit the goal and earn the reigns. Players who are determined to finish the task as quickly as possible should definitely invest in a Legion Surveying enchant for their gloves, which will cut down the total time of each survey.
Players who manage to make it all the way through and collect 600x of the bone fragments will be able to turn in the quest, earn the reigns, and summon the Spirit of Eche'ro from any location that allows mounts. Players who aren't familiar with Archeology in WoW should keep in mind that it is a secondary profession, meaning that any player can learn the basic skill and start to level it up.
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