Best Natural Ways to Relieve Anxiety and Depression from Dr. Vaibhav Dubey's blog

Depression is one of the most common problems that most of us face. It is a mental disorder that causes great amount of stress to the person who is suffering from it.

We cannot say that the anxiety and depression are same, because anxiety is a feeling of fear, while depression is a condition of a person where he is not enjoying the things which are good for him.

Depression is a mental disorder that affects a person’s ability to perform daily activities and leads to suicidal thoughts. But it is not the only reason, because the person can also have anxiety disorders that make him feel nervous and anxious.

There are many reasons for anxiety and depression but in most cases, the causes are unknown. It is a common misconception that anxiety is a normal feeling, but it is not.

Anxiety and depression are different, so here I, as a psychiatrist in Bhopal, am going to discuss some effective natural ways to treat anxiety and depression.


It is not a secret that tension causes anxiety, and relaxation is one of the best ways to release stress. There are many relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, etc.

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety, and you can also include it into your daily routine. Do it once a day for 10 minutes and you will definitely feel relaxed.

Meditation is also another way to relax your body and mind. If you are new to meditation then you can read the article on how to meditate.


Many people think that anxiety and depressionare the result of a lack of sleep, but this is not true. Sleep is necessary for the development of brain and the proper functioning of the body.

If you are not getting enough sleep then you can also try to go for a power nap. A short power nap can reduce the level of stress and anxiety, and it will make you feel refreshed.


The above given tips are the best natural ways to relieve anxiety and depression. You should also keep in mind that these are not a cure to these problems, but if you follow these tips regularly as suggested by the best psychiatrist in Bhopalthen you will surely see the difference in your life.

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