Dredging Process from pmgsocial media's blog

Dredging is the process by which sediment or muck is removed from a body of water. No longer a nasty 8-letter word, but rather a necessary, natural step to safely remove the bottom materials to restore your waterbody. When it comes to dredging, the age-old debate of hydraulic vs. mechanical dredgers has experts and industry insiders divided. These two giants of the dredging world each boast their unique strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the right one for your project can be quite the challenge. We'll be comparing hydraulic and mechanical dredgers to help you make an informed decision on the most suitable dredging solution for your needs - mechanical dredging.

 Mechanical dredging equipment is robust and doesn’t filter the dredge material. Although not our preferred method, every method of dredging has specific applications. In some instances, ponds will be dewatered and/or diverted during mechanical dredging, thus making it the less preferred option. While an expensive and messy endeavor, there are occasions where this is the best or only option. This solution is not dependent on there being water in the pond to dredge like diver assisted suction dredging and hydraulic dredging - mechanical dredge.

Mechanical dredging necessitates the use of heavy equipment to dig up the bottom of a water source, and move it. This equipment can be moved to the job site by a barge, or the body of water can be drained, allowing the equipment to move to the site on its own. Some specialized mechanical dredging equipment can drill or dig up the dirt.

This solution is not dependent on there being water in the pond to dredge, while rock, gravel, densely compacted sand, rooted littoral zone vegetation (phragmites, cattails, water lilies, water shield) is much easier to remove using such heavy equipment. Some shy away from mechanical dredging because it may require that the pond or lake must be drained and coffered (temporary dam), which may be damaging to flora and fauna. Additionally, mechanical dredging may destroy or damage landscaping because of the heavy equipment, and can often be extremely messy, as the materials removed are wet and will then need to dry on land. For more information, please visit our site https://www.Pacificmaritimegroup.com/

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