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Our vision is to be the best in class solution provider to the challenges of rejuvenation and restoration of past glory and grandiose in all its architectural and aesthetic dimensions to the full satisfaction of the commoners and connoisseurs alike of historical monuments and memorials. When, repairs are carried out, no effort should be spared to save, as many parts as possible. Broken or half-decayed original work is of infinitely more value than the smartest and most perfect new work. There are numerous structures of all types that require attention. Public should take interest and generate resources to preserve them for posterity. When a public initiative is launched, the principles should be simple - heritage stonemasonry company.

Maintain the original characters of the heritage structures. Please believe that the materials used in the ancient times and methods adopted were of superior quality. We have been engaged in this endeavor for years and feel ourselves to be exceptionally qualified in this sphere because of our Corporate Philosophy. We believe our employees are our best asset, providing means and opportunity for growth. We are a stern believer of hard work for our clients to ensure the best quality work within deadline - public statuary in marble.

As a company with experience and expertise in many facets of the Heritage Conservation & Restoration work, we offer a range of services to our clients. Create and sustain a manpower with utmost competence, confidence and commitment. Adoption and absorption of highest standards of technology and technique. Focus on projects across the board both in the private and public domain. Education and training of the employees at all levels to update them on the latest developments in domain of interest.  Creating a culture for in depth awareness of heritage amongst all employees as a way of life. For more information, please visit our site

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By kumarmonu
Added Jan 25


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