Mmoexp Final Fantasy XIV Gil: Use Inventory Management Add-Ons (Optional) from Daymapae's blog

Use Inventory Management Add-Ons (Optional)

In Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV), inventory management can become overwhelming, especially with the ever-growing list of items, gear, and event rewards that accumulate over time. While Square Enix doesn’t officially support third-party add-ons, some players turn to Final Fantasy XIV Gil inventory management tools to help streamline and organize their storage, making the process less cumbersome.

These tools can help you track your items, manage your Retainers, and keep your inventory clean, all while avoiding the need to constantly scroll through countless pages of materials and gear.

Here’s how to effectively use inventory management add-ons in FFXIV, along with some recommended tools for the job.

1. Use FFXIV Inventory Management Tools

Though Square Enix doesn’t officially endorse any add-ons or external tools, there are several community-made tools available to help with inventory management. These tools are often web-based or available as downloadable apps. They allow you to track and manage your gear, materials, and event rewards, ensuring nothing goes to Final Fantasy XIV Gil for sale waste and everything is organized.

Popular Tools for Inventory Management:

FFXIV Teamcraft

Teamcraft is one of the most popular FFXIV inventory management tools. It’s a web-based platform that allows you to track your materials, recipes, and crafting progress. It also integrates with Retainers, helping you keep track of what’s in your inventory and your Retainers in one place.

Key Features:

Inventory and Retainer tracking: View what materials and items you have in your inventory and your Retainers.

Recipe tracking: Plan and organize the materials you need for crafting.

Item Search: Search for items and track where to obtain them.


Another useful tool, FFXIV Tools offers a variety of features for material tracking, item management, and marketboard price comparisons. It helps players keep track of event items, furnishings, and other seasonal rewards.

Key Features:

Item search and tracking: Search for and manage materials, items, and gear.

Market Board Price Check: See the current market prices for various items.

Crafting Planner: Helps plan your crafting materials, including what you need for future crafting goals.


FFXIV Vault is another online tool that can help with inventory management, though it’s more focused on tracking gear and recipes. You can use it to organize your gear for glamour, tracking which items you have available and what’s in your Armoire.

Key Features:

Glamour tracking: See what glamour items you’ve collected and which ones you might still need.

Gear management: Keep track of your equipment and easily check if you need upgrades.

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By Daymapae
Added Dec 24 '24



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