Top 3 Pickup Trucks for Small Business in India from Truck Junction's blog

For privately owned businesses in India, the right pickup truck is a different option from a vehicle. That is why we've gathered a rundown of the three principal pickup trucks that are dependable and useful and expected to meet the stand-out necessities of private endeavours in India: Ashok Leyland Bada Dost, Tata Intra V30, and Tata Intra V10.

Ashok Leyland Bada Dost

The Ashok Leyland Bada Dostis a vigorous and adaptable pickup truck ideal for small organisations. It incorporates a 1.5 litre turbocharged inter cooled Lean NOx Trap diesel engine, conveying 80 hp and 190 Nm of power. This truck boasts a payload limit of 1,860 kg, making it ideal for moving weighty burdens. The Bada Dost eco cordiality and low upkeep costs make it a down to earth choice for small endeavours.

Tata Intra V30

The Tata Intra V30is another popular choice for small organisations. This model has a 4-cylinder, 1496 cc diesel engine that produces 70 hp and 140 Nm of power. With a payload cutoff of 1,300 kg, the V30 is best for various business applications. Its significant suspension system ensures a smooth ride, even on undesirable roads. Its strong form, quality, and reliable performance make it a preferred choice for most business visionaries.

Tata Intra V10

The Tata Intra V10is expected for smaller loads and urban regions. It is outfitted with a 2 cylinder, 798 cc diesel engine that makes 44 hp and 110 Nm of power. The V10 payload limit is 1,000 kg, making it ideal for light duty tasks. The Intra V10 reasonable price and low operating costs make it a perfect decision for private enterprises wanting to work on their organised tasks.

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