The Zul'Aman raid will be available in Phase 4, and will now drop Badges of Justice from all raid bosses, as well as a host of new items to purchase for Badges of Justice. In this new stage, the content is undoubtedly the most relaxed, and it is also the most popular stage.
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Badge of Justice changes: In Phase 4, Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern (SSC), Tempest Keep (TK), and Zul'Aman will all drop Badge of Justice.
Since the Badge of Justice can now be dropped on all TBC raid bosses, every player can be prepared for justice. Additionally, Nether Vortexes and a slew of new armor items can also be purchased using Badges, while both Primal Nethers and Nether Vortexes are no longer Soulbound.

The biggest addition to WoW Classic TBC Phase 4 is the addition of the Zul'Aman raid. This raid is a chase content for players preparing for Classic TBC Phase 5's Sunwell Plateau, and a simpler alternative to
Buy WOW TBC Classic Gold the raid for Battle for Mount Hyjal and Black Temple, while also offering similar gear and some chase pieces.
In Zul'Aman, if you complete the raid in the Time Challenge, you will receive the most famous and unique mount here, the Amani Battle Bear. To get the Amani Battle Bear you need to kill four Zul'Aman bosses within 45 minutes, which is a challenge for some guilds, but for those who can already complete Black Temple and The Battle for Mount Hyjal every week It might be easier.
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In order to meet WoW Classic TBC Phase 4, every player needs to prepare in advance, and it may be more helpful for them to accumulate enough TBC Classic Gold, because these TBC Classic Gold can solve most of the problems in the game. MMOWTS is a website that sells TBC Classic Gold, in MMOWTS you can enjoy the best discounts and the most considerate service, go and try it!
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