The long-awaited Diablo 2 Resurrected patch 2.4 is coming from Jamesdarin's blog

Tomorrow, Blizzard Entertainment's Diablo 2: Resurrected will have a major patch released on servers in the public beta. The long-awaited Ladder Season and Uber Diablo balance changes, bug fixes, and updates are all in this patch. Among them, Ladder Season is actually a ranking competition system, which will contain specific content and there will be a leaderboard.

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In this PTR test, the presentation of Ladder on the front end and how the new balance changes affect it were the focus of the developers. After the Ranked Season is over, players will need to transfer any items or loot they acquired during the Ranked Season to Non-Ranked Mode. And, until the next season begins, players can retrieve items from the shared stash. According to the  Diablo 2 Resurrected Items For Sale developers: For example, once the first season is over, players will need to retrieve items from your first season storage before the third season begins. And those items that are not retrieved will be lost forever.

In the case of Uber Diablo, players still need to sell Stone of Jordan rings to summon it. However, this patch 2.4 is different from before, it is no longer generated for the same server, but for all players in the same area. Also, summon progress is tracked separately for each game mode, and players are notified of when Uber Diablo will next appear by adding a new message.

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In this patch 2.4, two long-awaited contents have finally been realized, and greatly increased players' interest in this game. In addition, collecting various special Diablo 2 Resurrected Items is still one of the main goals of every player in the game. If you don't want to spend time farming them in the game then you can check out, they sell all the Diablo 2 Resurrected Items in the game, whatever you want can be found there. Go and try it!

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By Jamesdarin
Added Mar 15 '22


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