Death Knight, Druid and Hunter are tweaked in this WOW TBC Classic update from Jamesdarin's blog

In response to the influx of feedback since the WOW beta was released. The developers are stripping away the restriction system in Shadowlands. And on November 2, Blizzard Entertainment made a big change to World of Warcraft in patch 9.1.5, which included some changes and adjustments to the skills of some classes in PVP.

For Death Knight, increased Death Coil's damage by 30% in PvP battles, Necrolord's ability, Abomination Limb is now unable to pull stealth enemies, and also cannot interrupt Death Knight's channeling skills.

Frost increases the damage of Frost Strike by 30% in PvP battles.

Unholy increases the damage dealt by Virulent Plague by 30% in PvP battles. And Necrolord ability, Adaptive Swarm's bonus to periodic healing has been reduced from 25% to 20%.

Related Articles: WOW TBC Classic: What To Expect In Phase 3?

On the Druid side, PvP talent, Strength of the Wild now reduces Regrowth's initial healing crit chance on allies from 100% to 30%. And significantly increase the radius of PvP talent, Grove Protection. PvP talent, Keeper of the Grove will now protect Druid from all damage while channeling Tranquility.

On the Hunter side, now spells that remove magical effects can no longer remove the Mend Pet. For the Feign Death’d Hunter, an issue that prevented Feign Death from removing Murder of Crows when using Craven Stratagem (Runecarving Power) has been fixed.

Beast Mastery In PvP battles, the increase in damage dealt by Best Wrath has been reduced from 25% to 20%. In addition to Exotic ability, an issue where the cooldown of Burrow Attack would be inadvertently shortened by Kindred Beasts has been fixed.

Marksmanship In PvP battles, Arcane Shot deals 30% bonus damage from 20%, Aimed Shot deals 15% bonus damage from 10%, and Rapid Fire now deals 10% bonus damage.

Buy TBC Classic Gold

The above are the three tiers that have been adjusted in this patch, some have been enhanced and some have been weakened. If you want your characters to continue to be strong, they need some good gear and items, so you'll need some TBC Classic Gold. To get TBC Classic Gold in a short time, MMOWTS can help you. After you place your order, they will send the Gold to your account within 15 minutes. You can find out how to earn WoW Classic TBC Gold at MMOWTS.

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By Jamesdarin
Added Mar 4 '22


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