Glacor boots are the most comfortable boots still from weiyismart's blog

If you want to give away pre-paid card however, it's not permissible if people perform anything in exchange for the voucher. This buy runescape gold includes, but is not limited to, them offering game-specific items, or giving you real life money or even having them click links (and similar plans) to offer you some kind of referral. Actually, asking you to do anything else then simply receive the code would mean it is not allowed.

If you're talking about an open-sign-up subject where people could sign-up, and you draw random names and send the winners the prize (with none of the strings, or just the code) Then that could be considered okay.

A charity giveaway is fine. A trade of favours however isn't. We're talking about subscription codes. I've got around 7 subscription codes (I believe I have them, but I'll have to verify) that I haven't used therefore it was my decision to offer them away to those who cannot afford to purchase one.

I thought of doing something the following: Create a thread on the giveaway and then I will pose questions as. What is the reason I should give you a Membership? What is it that you enjoy about Runescape? What are you planning to do with the membership? These questions will be a breeze for me to select the winner and stop members from selling the code or to keep lazy spammers from getting these codes.

"Normal" (as as in, not Nex) GWD armour is adequate for Slayer duties. It's not too expensive (for people with resources) and doesn't require to be replaced and also gives offensive advantages. You should have a Barrows set with every combat style (Verac's Ahrim's, Karil's, and Verac's) for the very few Slayer tasks which require the highest level of protection.

Glacor boots are the most comfortable boots still. Barrow gloves are not very effective anymore. They're hybrid gloves which means they are useful, but if it were me I'd get the TWW automaton gloves (Static Pneumatic, Tracking, and Static). They are the gloves equivalent to Glacor boots.

Amulet of Fury is a good amulet, the best hybrid amulet , in fact. If you've got cash to spend , it might be worthwhile to buy a Saradomin's Hiss (second most effective magic amulet behind the Stream Neck), Murmur (currently the best melee weapon in the world) as well as buy osrs account no email Whisper (best amulet that can be used in a range).

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By weiyismart
Added Feb 28 '22



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