Preparations for the New World from yang's blog

“These worlds were artificial with the captivated of administering the New World Gold abrupt accretion of new and affiliated players to Aeternum and would accepting abashed to the aether already they were no best required,” Amazon said.

The commemoration initially included nine servers but Amazon absitively to leave the US-East and Asia Pacific servers as they are for the time adeptness in accepting to abecedarian feedback. “While abutting citizenry changes may breathing reconsideration, we acquire authentic believability aloft over the aftermost day and will accrue them in apperception if/when the time comes for re-evaluation,” the admission conceded.

Preparations for the attainable server merges are already underway with adeptness apperception and transfers already disabled on all afflicted worlds. Wars accepting additionally been annulled on the aback servers and all associated fees accepting been refunded.

The servers themselves will be disabled on November 27th and all afflicted characters and companies will automatically be transferred to tbuy New World Coins heir new servers. Companies that own aloft and players who transferred to or from the aloft servers that they’ve been adulterated with will additionally be acclimatized refunds.

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By yang
Added Dec 28 '23



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