There will be a change this time from taoaxue's blog

There will be a change this time.

Another big thing I believe a lot of people don't realize is that we're set to begin and we already have pre-patches for the wrath Lich King patch 335 This is the patch that balances the class WoW Classic SoD Gold . We're not going to see superpowered Death Knights we're not seeing that absurd version of Paladin with Divine Shield just one shots people who I loved that character prop Paladin is a prop. Paladin is the most powerful PvP spec for Paladin.

I'm sure I'm a fan of the patch. This isn't going to happen this time. In all honesty, I do remember when back in the day I was hunting for flavors of the month. and was an Orc Hunter. I made a Blood Elf Paladin , because that was the character you knew you'd get when TBC was released.

Everyone wants to make those blood elves , I'd know I was like heck we should make the Blood Elf and I totally was like okay I'm not going to chase the most popular flavor of the month this time around with death knights and I'm sorry I missed out on those powerful Death Knights I remember dude entering the arena with the tauren blood death back then blood was like the O P DPS spec.

He looked like the clothes I think the clothes he was wearing, stomped me to death and killed me with the war stomp. I felt as if he was as a rogue diamond still in shock. It was hilarious It was frightening and this huge cow with an axe, he knocks you down and then dies was just sick. I'll forever remember that. However, yeah they were totally overpowered, they're not going to ever be overpowered this time around , I'm talking about patch 335 We've seen so numerous nerfs in that time. Anyways, I wanted to highlight that it's a balance patch WoW Classic Season of Discovery Gold .

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