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Nexalyn PrisAnmeldelseDK

NexalynOversigt: er opstået som en naturlig og organisk løsning til at øge kroppens testosteronniveauer, fremme seksuel dygtighed, holdbarhed og generelt velvære. Med en blanding af elleve økologiske ingredienser, herunder vitaminer, mineraler og botaniske ekstrakter, sigter dette produkt på at aktivere cellerne blidt og hjælpe mænd med at opretholde optimale testosteronniveauer. I denne omfattende gennemgang vil vi dykke ned i effektiviteten af Nexalyn, de anvendte ingredienser, fordele, potentielle bivirkninger, og hvordan du inkorporerer dem i din wellness-rutine.


Nexalyner designet til at hæve kroppens naturlige androgenniveauer, hvilket giver en holistisk tilgang til at understøtte mænds seksuelle sundhed. Ved at øge blodgennemstrømningen til kønsregionen sigter disse gummier på at forbedre erektioner, Nexalynøge træningsniveauet og bidrage til penis længde og tykkelse.

Ingredienser af Nexalyn:
  1. L-arginin:

  2. Aminosyre er kendt for at øge fødeoptagelsen Nexaslimog væksthormonproduktionen, hvilket fremmer blodcirkulationen, der er afgørende for erektil funktion.

  3. Muira Puama:

  4. Stimulerer produktionen af nitrogenoxid, hvilket påvirker en mands evne til at opnå og vedligeholde en erektion, hvilket potentielt øger libido.

  5. Tribulus Terrestris:

  6. Hypoteseret for at forbedre libido og seksuel ydeevne, ifølge forskning.

  7. Eurycoma Longifolia:

  8. Traditionelt brugt til behandling af mandlig infertilitet og seksuel dysfunktion, hvilket bidrager til seksuel sundhed.

  9. Saw Palmetto:

  10. Behandler prostataforstørrelse, sænker inflammation, Nexaslimøger testosteronniveauet og øger libido.

  11. Zink:

  12. Afgørende for sund mandlig seksuel funktion, zink er afgørende for erektion og testosteronsyntese.

Fordele ved Nexalyn:
  1. Stimulering af seksuelle drifter og fornemmelser:

  2. Understøtter ophidselse af seksuelle Nexalynlyster og fornemmelser.

  3. Behandling af seksuel dysfunktion:

  4. Kan bidrage til behandling af symptomer på erektil dysfunktion.

  5. Reduceret ubehag forbundet med ED:

  6. Lindrer ubehag forbundet med erektil dysfunktion.

  7. Støtte til mænd med lavt testosteronniveau:

  8. Hjælper mænd med lave testosteronniveauer.

  9. Forbedret seksuel kraft:

  10. Fremmer øget seksuel kraft.

  11. Forbedret blodgennemstrømning:

  12. Forbedrer blodgennemstrømningen, Nexalynisær til penisområdet, hvilket understøtter hormondannelse.

  13. Øget udholdenhed:

  14. Hævder at øge udholdenheden til både fysiske og seksuelle aktiviteter.


Nexaslimer sikre at bruge med naturlige ingredienser. Den anbefalede dosis er to kapsler med et glas vand to gange dagligt. Konsekvent brug over tre til seks måneder anbefales for optimale Nexaslimresultater.


NexaslimProduktet anses for sikkert, med naturlige og rene ingredienser. Ingen kendte bivirkninger eller negative helbredspåvirkninger er blevet rapporteret. NexaslimPersoner med helbredsproblemer bør dog rådføre sig med en sundhedsperson.

Hvor kan man købe Nexalyn?

Nexalynkan købes på den officielle hjemmeside. Forskellige pakker, inklusive en måneds prøveperiode, tilbydes til overkommelige priser.

Kunde feedback:

Kunder har rapporteret forbedringer i ydeevne, Nexalynudholdenhed og overordnet tilfredshed med Cannutopia Male Enhancement Gummies.


Nexa Slim  tilbyder en naturlig og organisk tilgang til at støtte mænds seksuelle sundhed. Med nøje udvalgte ingredienser og rapporterede fordele kan disse gummier bidrage til forbedrede seksuelle oplevelser og generelt velvære. Som med ethvert kosttilskud er det tilrådeligt at rådføre sig med en sundhedspersonale, især for personer med eksisterende sundhedstilstande. Lås op for Nexa Slimpotentiale for at øge din seksuelle vitalitet og fornøjelse.

Officielt websted:


garlic oil - garlic oil benefits - garlic oil uses - garlic oil price - the young chemist

Garlic Oil is also used to prevent bites, as a mosquito repellant, to prevent the common cold, and to prevent bacterial and fungal infections. Garlic Oil price 450.


Young chemist’s Garlic oil is extracted from fresh garlic bulbs through steam distillation. Garlic is a natural herb that is grown all over the world. Garlic oil is colorless to pale yellow mobile liquid with a strong, unpleasant, familiar garlic-like odour. It is also used to prevent bites, as a mosquito repellant, and for preventing the common cold, and to prevent bacterial and fungal infections.The credit should be given to allicin and diallyl sulfides, the components present in garlic that possess medicinal properties which are present in the Young Chemist’s garlic oil.


Blends well with:


It doesn't quite blend well with any oil.

  • There are countless home remedies for hair loss but nothing is as effective as garlic oil scalp massage. This will strengthen the hair follicles from the roots to prevent breakage. Oiling your hair with garlic oil also boosts hair growth as it increases blood circulation in the scalp to a breeding ground for new and healthy hair.
  • The strong and pungent flavor of garlic has fans all across the globe. It is universally recognized for its health benefits which include cholesterol control, heart health, immunity boost, digestion, to name but a few.
  • Minerals like zinc, calcium, iron, copper, iodine, and magnesium are essential for building hair fiber. Vitamin B, vitamin A, and vitamin E maintain scalp and root health. Increasing these minerals and vitamins in your diet is the easiest way to stimulate hair growth. Thus, consuming garlic or applying garlic oil can prevent hair loss.
  • It is used in aromatherapy which is also a good option. Due to its phytochemical texture, garlic oil exerts antibacterial activity as well. You may apply it directly to your scalp by diluting the oil in suitable carrier oil.
  • It is mainly used in the flavoring industries. And Garlic oil is converted into capsules for health problems.
  • Garlic oil is considered effective in protecting the body against cold. All you need to do is to mix the garlic oil in mustard oil and apply that oil on the skin before taking bath. This makes a layer on the body, acts as a moisturizer and also protects against cold.
  • Adding a few drops of garlic oil in your face pack and applying it on the acne-prone areas will help banish pimple and acne.
  • Apply garlic oil on your hair at the night. Cover your hair and sleep so that the nutrients get absorbed overnight. Shampoo your hair the next morning, as it Makes your hair strong and helps in reducing hair fall.
  • Also it is used for ear infection by mixing a few drops of garlic oil with mustard oil and warms the mixture. Put this oil in the infected ear daily until you get relief. You can keep the rest of the oil for later use.
  • It is one of the ancient methods for toothache. We suggest applying garlic oil on your aching tooth. Allicin, the active compound found in garlic fights bacterial activity and soothes inflammation. It can also prevent the condition of tooth decay.
  • We clearly can't suppose that garlic oil is completely safe for us. Because garlic oil contains phytochemicals like allicin that can be toxic for your liver if taken in large doses.
  • However, garlic and garlic oil are classified as non-toxic substances.
  • Besides, some individuals experience irritation when applying essential oils to the skin. You should do a skin patch test before using any new essential oil.
  • Pregnant women and children should consult doctor before using essential oils.



Most Popular Carrot Seed Oil - Amazing carrot Benefits For Skin

We are a carrot seed oil manufacturer and exporter in India at the best price. Carrot seed oil reduces skin redness and acne and it can help to grow & thicker hair.


Carrot seed oil is extracted from steam distillation from the seeds of the Daucus carota plant.

It is a flowering plant, which is known for its white blossoms and carrot-scented roots. Carrot seed essential oil reflects antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. But, it does not have the vitamins and nutrients provided by carrots. Like other essential oils, the carrot seed oil is not to be ingested.


Blends well with:


Bergamot oil, Cinnamon oil, Lemon oil, Cedar wood oil, Orange oil, Ginger oil and Patchouli oil


  • It is something that tones the body and carrot seed oil falls into this category. It also tones up tissues and muscles and increases their efficiency. It also tones the skin and prevents it from losing or showing signs of aging.
  • It is also used in aromatherapy because of its mild and soothing aroma which is effective in relieving stress and anxiety and gives a refreshing feeling.
  • It protects skin from developing wrinkles. The carrot seed oil relieves muscle aches, treats anorexia, and improves your eyesight.


  • You can apply directly onto dry, damaged skin. You can also add other skincare products like shampoo, lotion, or cleanser for extra benefits. It is used in dry, brittle nails for nourishing and repairing.
  • You have to apply it to your face and neck as a night moisturizer. Then, massage into the scalp once a week before shampooing. For aromatherapy, add a few drops to the face & body scrubs. Also, you can use the oil in an aromatherapy diffuser.
  • For that, place 2 drops in the palm, rub them together and apply to the bottom of the hair for natural split end control.


  • As the essential oils are not suggested for ingestion, and many carrot seed oil types of research are done on animals. It is critical to consult a doctor before you use it to treat an infection or illness.
  • It is also suggested to dilute carrot seed oil with carrier oil before applying it to your skin or scalp.
  • Besides, some individuals experience irritation when applying essential oils to the skin. You should do a skin patch test before using any new essential oil.
  • Pregnant women and children should consult doctor before using essential oils.



Ginger Oil | Ginger Essential Oil for Hair Growth and Weight Loss | Ginger Oil Benefits | Ginger Oil ke Fayde

Ginger oil can also be used in various applications in the skin and hair. It has a warm, sweet, woody, and spicy scent that has an energizing effect.Ginger oil price 700.


Ginger oil is extracted from the ginger through the distillation process. Ginger oil has a unique aroma that is described as strong, warm, or spicy. It is often used for aromatherapy. Ginger oil can also be used in various applications in the skin and hair. It has a warm, sweet, woody, and spicy scent that has an energizing effect. Ginger oil has been used to ease conditions like nausea, arthritis, digestive upset, colds, and migraines.


Blends well with:


Bergamot oil, Cedar wood oil, Cinnamon oil, Eucalyptus oil, Geranium oil, Lemon oil, Lime oil, Neroli oil, Orange oil, Palmarosa oil, Patchouli oil, Rosemary oil, Rosewood oil, Sandalwood oil



  • Ginger oil is popular for its stimulating and warming effects to enhance concentration while soothing and reducing the feelings of stress, sadness, anxiety, dizziness, and fatigue.
  • It has antioxidant properties that have a protective effect on the skin inhibiting the signs of skin damage and aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines.
  • The ginger essential oil soothes redness and eliminates bacteria, particularly redness and bacteria related to acne.
  • It can be used in hair as ginger oil has antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties to provide its cleanliness.


  • As a face mask, combine 5 drops of ginger essential oil, 2 Tbsp raw organic honey, and 1 Tsp lemon juice, then freeze the mixture for 30 minutes. Apply this blend on your face like a mask and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water.
  • To effectively soothe a scalp filled with dandruff, add 2 drops of ginger oil to regular shampoo.
  • For an anti-dandruff ginger oil hair mask, combine 10 drops of ginger oil, 5 drops of extra virgin olive oil, and 1 tsp. Lemon juice. Massage this antiseptic hair blend into the scalp and leave it on for 15-30 minutes repeat this treatment three times a week to get rid of dry and itchy scalp.
  • To soothe sore muscles, headaches, backaches, and menstrual cramps dilute 2-3 drops of ginger oil in a bathtub filled with warm water rather than hot, as the oil itself contains warming properties.


  • Ginger Essential Oil is considered for external use only. It is important to consult a medical practitioner before applying this oil for therapeutic reasons.
  • Pregnant and nursing women are especially advised not to use ginger oil without the medical advice of a physician.

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In recent years, the way people purchase cannabis has undergone a significant transformation. With the advent of e-commerce platforms, buy weed onlinehas become increasingly popular and accessible. What was once a niche market reserved for a select few is now a booming industry with a wide array of products and services available at the click of a button.

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As attitudes toward cannabis continue to evolve and legalization efforts gain momentum, more consumers are turning to online platforms to purchase their favorite products. This shift reflects a broader cultural acceptance of cannabis and recognition of its potential medicinal and recreational benefits.

Also Read:
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Increased Accessibility for Consumers

One of the key drivers behind the rise of buy weed online Canada is the increased accessibility it offers to consumers. No longer do individuals have to rely on local dispensaries or black market sources to obtain their cannabis products. Instead, they can browse through a diverse selection of strains, concentrates, edibles, and more from the comfort of their own homes.

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Also Read:
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The Legality of Buy Weed Online

In Canada, the legalization of recreational cannabis in 2018 paved the way for the emergence of a robust online cannabis market. However, it's essential for consumers to understand the legal nuances surrounding online weed purchases to avoid running afoul of the law.

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Tips for Compliant Purchasing

To ensure compliance with Canadian law when buying cheap weed Canada online, consumers should only purchase from licensed retailers and verify the legitimacy of the website or app they are using. It's also important to familiarize oneself with the specific regulations governing cannabis possession and consumption in their province or territory.

Also Read:
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To ensure a smooth and hassle-free online purchase experience, consumers should follow these essential tips:

Also Read: Buy Weed Online Vancouver

Researching Reputable Sellers

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Checking Customer Reviews and Feedback

Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and reliability of an online dispensary. Pay attention to feedback regarding product quality, shipping times, and customer support to make an informed purchasing decision.

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Protecting personal and financial information is paramount when buy weed online. To safeguard against potential risks, consumers should take the following precautions:

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Protecting Personal and Financial Information

Only provide sensitive information, such as credit card numbers and addresses, on secure websites with SSL encryption. Use strong, unique passwords for online accounts and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. Regularly monitor bank and credit card statements for any unauthorized transactions or suspicious activity.

Verifying the Legitimacy of Online Dispensaries

Before making a purchase, verify that the online dispensary is licensed and authorized to sell cannabis products in your jurisdiction. Check for any certifications or accreditations that indicate compliance with industry standards and regulations.

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The ability to buy weed online has revolutionized the way consumers access cannabis products, offering unparalleled convenience, selection, and affordability. By understanding the benefits and considerations of online purchasing and following the tips outlined in this article, consumers can enjoy a safe and satisfying shopping experience while responsibly enjoying their favorite cannabis products.


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Vancouver, known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, has also become a hub for magic mushroom enthusiasts. In this article, we'll explore the world of Vancouver magic mushrooms, including where to find them, their benefits, and how to use them safely and responsibly.

Understanding Magic Mushrooms

Varieties and Effects

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms or shrooms, come in various species, each with its unique effects and potency. These mushrooms contain psychoactive compounds like psilocybin and psilocin, which can induce altered states of consciousness, visual hallucinations, and profound spiritual experiences.

Legality and Regulation

The legality of magic mushrooms varies depending on the jurisdiction. In Vancouver, the possession and sale of magic mushrooms for recreational use are illegal but may be permitted for medical or therapeutic purposes under specific circumstances.

Benefits of Vancouver Magic Mushrooms

Therapeutic Potential

Vancouver magic mushrooms have garnered attention for their potential therapeutic benefits in treating various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Research suggests that psilocybin-assisted therapy can facilitate transformative healing experiences and personal insights.

Recreational Use

Beyond their therapeutic potential, Vancouver magic mushrooms are also valued for their recreational effects, offering users a unique and introspective journey of self-discovery and exploration. Many individuals find magic mushroom experiences to be enriching, insightful, and spiritually profound.

Where to Find Vancouver Magic Mushrooms

Local Dispensaries

Several licensed dispensaries in Vancouver specialize in providing magic mushroom products for medical or therapeutic use. These dispensaries adhere to strict regulations and quality standards to ensure the safety and efficacy of their products.

Online Retailers

Online retailers offer a convenient option for purchasing 
Vancouver magic mushrooms, providing a wide selection of strains, doses, and preparations for delivery across the city. Customers can browse through various products and place orders discreetly from the comfort of their homes.

Factors to Consider When Buying Vancouver Magic Mushrooms

Quality and Source

When purchasing Vancouver magic mushrooms, it's essential to prioritize quality and source. Choose suppliers and retailers that offer lab-tested and certified products to ensure purity, potency, and safety.

Strain Variety

Consider the variety of magic mushroom strains available when making a purchase. Different strains may produce varying effects, so research and experimentation can help you find the strain that best suits your needs and preferences.

Also Read: Microdose Mushrooms Vancouver

Customer Reviews and Reputation

Research customer reviews and testimonials to assess the reputation and reliability of magic mushroom suppliers and retailers in Vancouver. Look for feedback on product quality, delivery times, customer service, and overall satisfaction to make informed decisions.

How to Order Vancouver Magic Mushrooms

Online Ordering Process

The process of ordering Vancouver magic mushrooms online is straightforward and user-friendly. Customers can browse through the menu of licensed dispensaries or online retailers, select their desired products, and complete the purchase through the website or mobile app. Age verification may be required.

Also Read: Microdosing Vancouver

Delivery Options and Timelines

Magic mushroom retailers offer various delivery options to accommodate customers' preferences and schedules. Standard delivery times typically range from same-day delivery to within a few business days, depending on the location and availability of products.

Tips for Safe and Responsible Magic Mushroom Use in Vancouver

Dosage and Consumption

Start with a low dose of Vancouver mushroom and gradually increase as needed to gauge your sensitivity and tolerance. Consume magic mushrooms in a safe and comfortable environment with trusted individuals to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience.

Set and Setting

Pay attention to your mindset and surroundings when consuming Vancouver mushroom. Choose a calm and familiar environment free from distractions or potential stressors, and approach the experience with an open and positive mindset.

Also Read: CBD Vancouver

Challenges and Considerations

Legal Risks and Compliance

Despite growing acceptance of magic mushrooms for therapeutic and spiritual use, they remain regulated substances in Vancouver and many other jurisdictions. Be aware of the legal risks and consequences associated with possession and use, and always comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Also Read: Same Day Weed Delivery Burnaby

Health and Safety Concerns

Vancouver mushroom can produce intense and unpredictable effects, especially at higher doses. Use caution and moderation to minimize the risk of adverse reactions or psychological distress. Seek medical attention if you experience any concerning symptoms or reactions.

Also Read: Buy Live Resin


Vancouver magic mushrooms offer a gateway to transformative experiences and profound insights, whether for therapeutic, recreational, or spiritual purposes. By understanding where to find them, their benefits, and how to use them safely and responsibly, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration.

Get420 Now

Mushrooms, known for their diverse effects and uses, have gained popularity in Vancouver. In this article, we'll explore the world of mushrooms, including their varieties, benefits, where to find them, and how to use them safely and responsibly.

Understanding Mushrooms Vancouver

Varieties and Effects

Mushrooms come in various forms, with each variety offering unique effects and experiences. From psychedelic mushrooms to culinary delights, mushrooms have captured the interest of people worldwide.

Legality and Regulation

The legality of mushrooms varies depending on their type and intended use. While some mushrooms are legal and widely available for culinary purposes, psychedelic mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms or shrooms, are regulated substances in many jurisdictions, including Vancouver.


Also Read: Shrooms Same Day Delivery

Benefits of Mushrooms

Therapeutic Potential

Mushrooms Vancouver, particularly psychedelic varieties containing compounds like psilocybin, have shown promise in treating various mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Research suggests that mushrooms can facilitate profound healing experiences and personal insights.

Spiritual and Recreational Use

Beyond their therapeutic potential, mushrooms have been used for centuries in spiritual and recreational contexts for their mind-altering and consciousness-expanding effects. Many individuals find mushrooms to be valuable tools for self-exploration, creativity, and personal growth.

Where to Find Mushrooms in Vancouver

Local Suppliers and Dispensaries

Several licensed suppliers and dispensaries in Vancouver offer a range of mushroom products, including psychedelic
mushrooms Vancouverfor therapeutic use. These establishments adhere to strict regulations and quality standards to ensure the safety and efficacy of their products.

Online Retailers

Online retailers provide a convenient option for purchasing mushrooms, offering a wide selection of products for delivery across Vancouver. Customers can browse through various strains and preparations and place orders discreetly from the comfort of their homes.

Factors to Consider When Buying Mushrooms

Quality and Source

When purchasing
mushrooms Vancouver, it's crucial to prioritize quality and source. Choose suppliers and retailers that offer lab-tested and certified products to ensure purity, potency, and safety.

Strain Variety

Consider the variety of mushroom strains available when making a purchase. Different strains may produce varying effects, so research and experimentation can help you find the strain that best suits your needs and preferences.

Customer Reviews and Reputation

Research customer reviews and testimonials to assess the reputation and reliability of mushroom suppliers and retailers. Look for feedback on product quality, delivery times, customer service, and overall satisfaction to make informed decisions.

How to Order Mushrooms

Online Ordering Process

The process of ordering mushrooms Vancouver online is straightforward and user-friendly. Customers can browse through the menu of licensed dispensaries or online retailers, select their desired products, and complete the purchase through the website or mobile app. Age verification may be required.


Also Read: Vancouver Mushrooms

Delivery Options and Timelines

Mushroom retailers offer various delivery options to accommodate customers' preferences and schedules. Standard delivery times typically range from same-day delivery to within a few business days, depending on the location and availability of products.

Tips for Safe and Responsible Mushroom Use

Dosage and Consumption

Start with a low dose of mushrooms and gradually increase as needed to gauge your sensitivity and tolerance. Consume mushrooms Vancouver in a safe and comfortable environment with trusted individuals to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience.

Set and Setting

Pay attention to your mindset and surroundings when consuming mushrooms. Choose a calm and familiar environment free from distractions or potential stressors, and approach the experience with an open and positive mindset.


Also Read: Buying Magic Mushrooms

Challenges and Considerations

Legal Risks and Compliance

Despite growing acceptance of mushrooms Vancouver for therapeutic and spiritual use, they remain regulated substances in Vancouver and many other jurisdictions. Be aware of the legal risks and consequences associated with possession and use, and always comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Health and Safety Concerns

Mushrooms can produce intense and unpredictable effects, especially at higher doses. Use caution and moderation to minimize the risk of adverse reactions or psychological distress. Seek medical attention if you experience any concerning symptoms or reactions.


Mushrooms Vancouveroffers a fascinating journey of exploration and discovery, whether for therapeutic, spiritual, or recreational purposes. By understanding their benefits, where to find them, and how to use them safely and responsibly, individuals can embark on transformative experiences and profound insights.



Karbohydratet i kostholdet kommer fra en svært begrenset mengde grønnsaker og frukt. Kostholdet er nøye beregnet for barn individuelt og er avhengig av deres alder og aktivitetsnivå. På 1920-tallet la forskerne merke til at sult resulterte i kontroll av anfall, men slike fordeler gikk tapt da mat ble gjeninnført. Hvis du kommer til GOSH for en poliklinisk avtale, vil kun én omsorgsperson per familie få adgang til sykehuset. Hvis du bor på GOSH over natten eller lenger, vil to omsorgspersoner per familie tillates.

I 1999 ble jeg bedt om å starte dietten hos en jente som hadde vært på intensivavdeling i tre måneder. Hun led konstante anfall og hadde flere ganger blitt lagt i narkotikaindusert koma i forsøk på å arrestere anfallene hennes. I løpet av en uke etter å ha gitt henne en ketogen formel gjennom en sonde, ble anfallene hennes redusert og hun kunne snart reise hjem. Denne metoden for levering av ketogen diett har siden blitt rapportert effektiv hos over 40 pasienter i et dusin separate medisinske publikasjoner. En fersk publikasjon som jeg var med på å skrive, inkluderer fem slike saker.


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